Office Design and Fit Out

Office Design and Fit Out

There are two ways of looking at office design. Either it’s a major headache that’s going to upset everybody, and disrupt business. Or it’s an opportunity to re-boot the workforce, inspire confidence, and up energy levels. For over two decades now, the StanLil team has been creating the latter for a range of businesses, large and small.

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Factory Fit Out and Refurbishment

Factory Fit Out and Refurbishment

There are two things every factory or warehouse manager is looking for; the first is efficiency,which is key to achieving the second – productivity. Whilst people are the focus of this goal, the environment in which they work is critical. A work environment that’s poorly designed, or lacking basic health and safety features, can slow down employees, de-motivate them, and impact heavily on business.

The StanLil industrial fit out team has seen first hand the difference a professional fit out can make to a workforce. With over two decades of experience in industrial design, fit out and refurbishment, we provide the solutions your business could be looking for. We specialise in the installation of pallet racking, flooring, mezzanines, storage and stacking.

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Fit Out Company Sussex

Looking for a Fit Out Company in Sussex?

Sussex is home to some of the most popular and successful seaside resorts in the UK. Their location, just an hour from London, makes Brighton, Hastings and Eastbourne prime locations for business. StanLil has been providing fit outs across this beautiful county for over two decades now. We love working in these vibrant towns and we thoroughly enjoy the sense of energy and innovation that seems to come with the territory when working beside the seaside!

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Educational Fit Outs for London

Educational Fit Outs for London

The education sector is currently dealing with a whole range of 21st century challenges. These include the need for larger classes in schools, a more diverse student population, and increased competition between higher education establishments. These new challenges require a whole new set of solutions from fit out companies, and nowhere is the pressure being felt so keenly as in London.

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